Bush Promotes Agenda For Improving America's Military Readiness

(for the next gulph war...?)


DENVER, CO - Calling national security the "first responsibility of government,"

Texas Governor George W. Bush today promoted his agenda for rebuilding America's



Governor Bush spoke during a roundtable discussion on military readiness at VFW

Post #1 in Denver. Taking part in the discussion were Colorado Governor Bill

Owens; U.S. Senator Wayne Allard, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee

and chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee; U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse

Campbell; Brigadier General Steve Boone (USAF ret.); and Denise Cordova, a member

of the Colorado Air National Guard and a veteran of Desert Storm.


"I'm pleased to be in Colorado, a state that plays a key role in the defense of

our country - from NORAD to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,"

Governor Bush said. "For America, this is a time of unrivalled military power,

economic promise, and cultural influence. America must seize this moment. America

must lead. I will renew the bond of trust between the American president and the

American military. I will defend the American people against missiles and terror.

I will begin creating the military of the next century."


"Just this weekend we've had a discussion about readiness and the politics of the

military," Governor Bush said. "My opponent, who's no stranger to exaggeration,

boasts on his website that he has been eminently involved in the best managed

build-down in American military history. He also calls for a policy of forward

engagement with our military. And claims he will address problems with necessary

forces and resources. But I want the people of Colorado and America to consider

the results of seven years of the Vice President's management and involvement.

U.S. troops are over-deployed and underpaid and under-trained. Entire army

divisions are not prepared for war. Military recruiting fell thousands short of

its goal, and six thousand United States soldiers are on food stamps. Al Gore

claims that qualifies him for a promotion. No, the Clinton-Gore record cries out

for a new sign on the Pentagon that says, 'Under New Management.'"


To rebuild America's military, Governor Bush will pursue two principles:


1. America's troops must have better pay, better treatment and better training.


Governor Bush will increase the pay for those who serve. Recently, after years of

neglect, a significant pay raise was finally passed. Governor Bush's first budget

will go further - adding a billion dollars in salary increases. Governor Bush

will make it a priority to renovate the two-thirds of all military housing that

is sub-standard and to increase housing allowances to improve the living

conditions of our military families. Governor Bush will work with Congress to

ensure that the decline in the quality and level of training of our men and women

in uniform is reversed.


2. As Commander-in-Chief, Governor Bush will give America's military a clear

sense of mission.


America must be involved in the world. But Governor Bush does not believe the

military is necessarily the answer to every difficult foreign policy situation -

a substitute for strategy. Governor Bush will order an immediate review of our

overseas commitments. He will replace uncertain missions with well-defined

objectives. Nothing could be better for morale than clarity and focus and

principle from the Commander-in-Chief.